Here is a very small sample of the many stories we could tell at Reusing IT.
“IT skills are the one area where the deaf children can be on an equal footing when it comes to job searching and the opportunities to provide skills training in their own communities. Already four children have completed basic training on the computers received last time round and they are now all in full time employment or further education.” Kuja School, Kenya
A community based Aids project in Tanzania talked of using their IT equipment to print leaflets on how to avoid HIV which are then distributed with condoms; “This function alone saved days of handwriting and the projects concerned stated that the people given a printed leaflet as opposed to a handwritten one were giving it much more importance. They were actually starting to read and take seriously the information on it! The power of the presentation!” The director of WAMATA community aids project Bukoba said of the computer they received, quite simply, “The magic box will help save lives”.
“We are very concerned about the number of children who are unable to access a computer at home as GLOW has become such a huge part of school/home link and children and teachers now communicate quite regularly through GLOW and to do this they require a computer and an internet link. All homework is now posted on GLOW and pupils also access games etc., which reinforce and consolidate learning which goes on in school. Pupils from an early age now complete personal assignments as homework tasks and there is an expectation that these will be done using a computer and that research will be done using the internet”.
Jan Lumsden, HeadTeacher of Carmondean Primary School
“My son is using the computer every day for school and his reading has improved tremendously; what a great thing.” West Lothian parent
“You’ve given us a card to the biggest library in the world whenever we want to use it.” West Lothian parent
“We’ve never sat down and read a book together but he’s happy to show me stuff on the computer. I sometimes wonder who is teaching who.” West Lothian parent